Wanna grow up to be a debaser
Age 25, Male
Professional human
School is for chumps
Suburb of chicago IL
Joined on 11/18/14
saucybird 2015-05-20 23:12:31
what did you listen by them? I've been wanting to get into them but didn't really know where to start
Nikofoxyfox 2015-05-20 23:12:31
Paranoid android is really good. Idk man i went to theyre greatest hits album on spotify
SonicWombat 2015-05-21 00:13:33
Yo I totally recommend Pablo Honey. Whole thing's radical.
what did you listen by them? I've been wanting to get into them but didn't really know where to start
Paranoid android is really good. Idk man i went to theyre greatest hits album on spotify